ICFOSS, Trivandrum, in association with the Department of Education, Kerala, has initiated a program to include ExpEYES in the school curriculum. They have acquired 500 kits and have started the curriculum development and training of teachers. The Malayalam document made is HERE.

Selected for Google Summer of Code 2014.

Project Title : Plugins for ExpEYES - An Open Source Portable Science Lab

Organization: FOSSASIA

Mentors: Mario Behling, Phuc Hau & Hong Phuc

Short description: ExpEYES ( Experiments for Young Engineers and Scientists) is an Open Hardware and Free Software framework for developing science experiments and classroom demonstrations. This project will work on developing a set of plug-ins for ExpEYES. These plug-ins with GUI's will enhance the scope of ExpEYES for using it to perform several experiments in mechanics, sound and waves. Project will also focus on adding features for using acoustic and motion sensors for various science experiments.

Student : Praveen Patil